Sexy Science Fact #20 – PEEN BOMBS


I really think bees have the best RANDOM POP CULTURE bits associated with them.


Bees have their own special form of banging. It involves a queen bee doing a fancy mating flight where she gets to frolic with 10 or so drones (bee dudes, not Amazon delivery machines) one after the other. Get it girl!

But what about those drones? They seem pretty okay with the fact that they are not going to be the queens one-and-only and also pretty okay with the fact that after bumping uglies, his uglies are gonna explode way resulting in his death.

Wait, WHAT?

OK so first, he mounts his queen and his inner trouser snake flips to an outtie as he goes for her cave of wonders. Sounds pretty normal so far, right? But the outtie-making requires weird pressure from inside his body so he’s now PARALYZED while INSIDE. But I guess we’ve all been there right? Knocking boots can be INTENSE. BUT THEN he spews his magic juice FORCEFULLY into the queen, resulting in his disco stick EXPLODING OFF inside her. (This helps the jizzjazz stay inside.) He then falls dramatically to his death.

THEN! The queen goes for it again and again. And maybe a few more times tomorrow, storing the swimmers until she’s ready to lay eggs.


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