Sexy Science Fact #27 – TASTY LOVE SONGS

We’ve probably all done the thing where we’re banging while we have roommates, or your apartment has thin walls, or you’re visiting your parents with your sweetie and you have to decide: how quiet DO I want to be??

And there is no wrong answer, you do your thing!

But if you’re a housefly, you might want to reconsider. When these guys get it on, they can get LOUD.

So loud, in fact, that it attracts BATS to NOM all over their sweet copulatory lives. European Natterer’s bats, specifically. No word yet on if American bats are tuned into the fly dirty dance the way their across-the-pond counterparts are.

The bats hear the fly squeals/buzzes of delight and all they hear is EAT ME EAT ME EAT ME even though the flies are really saying DO ME DO ME DO ME. This has to do with the different accents that bats and flies have.*

So flies, I hope that last coital song was worth it! Because thanks to your sweet sex jams, this might be the last thing you see:


*this is not true, please tell me you did not believe this

