Sexy Science Fact #17 – TRIPLE HOO-HAWS


I know you’re all good, well (sex) educated humans and know what a VAGINA is. But just in case you’re unsure, let’s review! Most lady mammals (with a few exceptions) have three holes in their junk region. A boo-hole for poo (also sometimes fun sexy times!), a urethra for wiss (occasionally for sexy fun time, but PLEASE BE CAREFUL if that’s your thing), and a general sexy fun time/baby-makin’ hole – the “vaginal opening” which is part of the vulva. The VAGINA ITSELF is internal.

Here is what it looks like in cows (and it’s similar in most mammals), because cows are funny.

Unless you’re a gynecologist or spend some time getting really up close and looking inside, you probably haven’t seen a vagina since you were born and passed through. I KNOW that in this blog I use slang words for “vagina” but actually mean vulva sometimes, but TOO BAD. Today we’re being anatomically correct – VAGINA MEANS VAGINA.

Anyway, now that that’s over with, let’s talk about WEIRD VAGINAS.

Specifically the marsupial vageen. Which looks like this:

Well not exactly like that. That is a weird disembodied genital blob that reminds me of that Treehouse of Horror episode where Homer enters 3D world and doesn’t feel safe till he finds the erotic cakes. (What is up with the squares on the bottom??) But I digress.

Marsupials, the freaky-almost-exclusively-Australian group of mammals, like the kangaroo (which the picture above is based on) have THREE HOO-HAWS. The middle wadge is for the baybay to come through. It’s smushed in there with all three tubes, so the little one has to be very small when it’s born, and then spends time growing in the pouch of its mama. The two side whisker biscuits are for spunk collection – and, fun fact, many male marsupials have double headed schlong so they can cum into both vagoos at the same time! Check out this opossum wang:

Final thought! Horrifyingly, at least to me, kangaroos can be perpetually pregnant. Do you see how they have two uteri in that picture? They can have a spare bun in the oven ready to do it’s thing immediately after they give birth. Some things to think about the next time you see this derpy face.
