Sexy Science Fact #16 – DAREDEVIL FOREPLAY

Did you have a great ‘MURICA DAY over the weekend?*

I hope you celebrated by eating something deep-fried, setting something on fire (possibly a your deep fryer), drinking too much beer (which is maybe why you set the deep fryer on fire), and of course, the most American thing possible – participating in near-death flirtations like our national emblem!

When bald eagles want to get their feathers twiddled, they must first complete a DEATH-DEFYING DANCE! This involves soaring really high, grabbing each other by the talons, free falling until they almost reach the ground and then releasing each other just to start over and and do it again. This is called “cartwheeling”, because who doesn’t want to associate something children do with raptor sex?

Once they’re riled up enough, they retreat to a nest for a sexy and delicate cloacal kiss!

Now, as you might imagine this can end in tragedy. BUT THIS BLAG IS ONLY ABOUT THE FUNNY. So let’s forget the sad parts and think about how sometimes the eagles get stuck to each other and then fall to the ground embarassed, only to have a set of onlookers appear and take eagle sex selfies.

SORRY LOVERS, now everyone knows you’re sloppy at foreplay.

*Lip smushes to all my non-American readers, as well! Who is reading me in Kuwait?? And Turkey?? And Thailand?? You guys are also awesome and I hope you celebrate your country’s independence day however is appropriate for you whenever it is!
