Sexy Science Fact #13 – BEAR BLOWIES

bears beets battlestar galactica


Today is all Bears. Bangin’. Blowin’ the boys. That’s right! BEEJS!

This chill fuzz ball is a brown bear.

What a stoner! I kid. Or who knows? Anyway, there are two brown bears (not the one above) who are living in a sanctuary in Croatia. These fellas have lived there since they were wee little brown bearlets. The best of friends maybe? The opening to a new Disney animal friend-com?


These bears have been face fucking. Or at least one has been giving hummers to the other. For literally years. And when I say “hummer” I also mean that the “provider” (as they call him in the article) makes a humming sound while playing his friend’s flesh flute. The researchers observed the bears for six years (voyeurs!) and saw the provider open his pal’s legs, suck away, and finish up with a “foamy white liquid around the muzzle” – spunk, spit, or both!

BUT WHY? Well, (a) why not? Sex can be fun! It’s possible these bears are just doin’ it for funsies. And (b) they were both brought to the sanctuary very early – before they finished weaning. So it’s possible one started going down on his buddy because he was searching for nipples and then it just became their life. We don’t really know.

But who cares? Because now google knows you were looking at a website with the phrase “bear blow jobs” in it!
