No one has actually asked me these questions.

Who are you?

Just your average run-of-the-mill sexy science fan. I work in science communication professionally, but have a personal interest in sexy science. Because it’s funny.

Do you get paid for this?

Nope! This is just for fun.

Where can I find more information about _________?

I link to a source for all of my posts. Some sources are primary literature which can be difficult to read. Feel free to ask questions (either as a comment, or email me directly) and I’ll try to answer your questions. There are no stupid questions.

Can I send you a great Sexy Science Fact? Will you write about my favorite animal?

Yes! You can send tips or requests via email. Please note that I have several weeks of posts in the queue at any given time, so I may not get to your topic immediately. Also note that I have full discretion over all content published here and I may choose not to write about your topic if I don’t think it fits the feel of this blog. And be aware that I might write something traumatizing about your favorite animal.

Are you aware that you wrote something that is not factual?

Please let me know! I do my best to fact-check everything I post. Science changes constantly and I may be sourcing from out-dated material.

Can I share your work?

Yes! Please share any way you would like to.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This broadly means that you can use what I am writing for personal but not commercial use. If you want to use any of my writing for a commercial use, please contact me. I do not own any images, sounds, or videos featured on this website and they may have different copyrights.

Will you follow me on WordPress? Tumblr? Instagram? Blogspot? Twitter?

Truth be told, I have no idea how WordPress actually works. If you have a super-cool blog type thing, feel free to email it to me and if I like it, I’ll read it. I won’t follow it on WordPress though. Mostly because I don’t know how. Also I don’t use Instagram or Twitter, so I can’t actually follow you there either.

Will you link to my blog/tumblr/instagram/twitter?

I will probably link to other media eventually, but I’m not doing it right now. If you are linking to my site and your site is related somehow to what I write here (basically, if you’re a vaguely science-themed blog), I will most likely link back.

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