Sexy Science Fact #14 – PENGUIN BOUDOIR

I’m not going to lie, if every time I went for a frolic in the cornfield all I could see was this staring back and judging my every move:

I would probs be overall much less interested in such activities.

So why should we expect different feelings from our zoo friends? I mean really, it sounds kind of like a creepy Vonnegut dystopia, right? (That’s probably the fanciest literary reference that will ever be made on this site.) It’s NO WONDER the animals want don’t want to make poppop in front of us.

So the New England Aquarium has created special BOUDOIR SUITES for their endangered African penguins. These guys:

Clearly very sexual beings, but also shy! So now they have their own special “igloo-style homes and other private nooks” for the PRIVATEST OF SEXY TIMES!

But in case you just HAVE TO KNOW, this is probably what it looks like inside those igloos:

African penguin sex

for the life of me I cannot find any kind of source, sorry


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